myTIPreport Research

We believe heavily in using research to further medical education and the effectiveness of our platform. Below you'll find a list of the research related activities that myTIPreport has participated in. If you've got an idea for a research project that you'd like our help with, please reach out to us at!

Peer Reviewed Articles

"myTIPreport and Training for Independent Practice: A Tool for Real Time, Work-Place Feedback for Milestones and Procedural Skills." Connolly A, Goepfert A, Blanchard A, Buys E, Donnellan N, Amundsen C, Kenton K. J Grad Med Educ. 2018 Feb;10(1):70-77. Doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-17-00137.1. PMID: 29467977.

"Surgical Skills Feedback and myTIPreport: Is There Construct Validity?" Connolly A, Blanchard A, Goepfert A, Donnellan N, Buys E, Uribe R, and Kenton K. Obstet and Gynecol. 2017 Oct:130 Suppl 1:17S-23S. PMID 28937514.

Peer Reviewed Articles - Accepted

"Implementing a Technology-based Cognitive Aid for Real-Time Evaluation of ACGME Milestone Competencies and Clinical Feedback to Anesthesia Residents." Chen F, Arora H, Zvara DA, Connolly A, Martinelli SM. Accepted, Anesthesia and Analgesia, Dec 12, 2018, 28 pages.

Peer Reviewed Articles – Submitted

ACGME Milestone Feedback and myTIPreport: Implementation and Construct Validity Assessment. Husk KE, Field C, and Connolly A. Submitted AJOG, January 2, 2019, 19 pages

"Surgical training in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Does gender impact your evaluation." Sullivan S, Chescheir N, Uribe R, and Connolly A. Submitted to Frontiers in Education, November 30, 2018, 16 pages.

Oral Presentations

ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Orlando, FL, March 9-12, 2017

"Moving beyond your silo: Developing cross-institution collaborations to help meet common program requirements". Choe J and Connolly A.

Annual Meeting of the CREOG / APGO, Orlando, Florida, March 8-11, 2017

"Describing Surgical Skills Progression with myTIPreport: A Multi-center Trial What Do We See and Is There Construct Validity?" Connolly A, and the myTIPreport Implementation Team. Goepfert A, Blanchard A, Buys E, Galvin S, Litwiller A, Gosman G, Amundsen C, Gerber S, Dunivan G, Gregory T, Gesci K, Botros S, Lane F, Higgins R, Lutz E, Major C, Cantrell, L, Donnellan N, Parviainen K, Frishman G, Bienstock J, Kenton K. Annual Meeting of the Council on Resident Education In Obstetrics and Gynecology / Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Orlando, Florida, March 8-11, 2017.

AAGL 45th Global Congress, Orlando, FL, November 14-18, 2016.

"Real-Time" Feedback for Milestones and Procedural Skills: A Multi-center Trial of "myTIPreport". Connolly A and the myTIPreport Implementation Team: Donnellan N, Lutz E, Goepfert A, Blanchard A, Buys E, Galvin S, Litwiller A, Gosman G, Amundsen C, Gerber S, Dunivan G, Gregory T, Gesci K, Botros S, Lane F, Higgins R, Major C, Frishman, G, Bienstock J, Cantrell, L, Parviainen, K, and Kenton K. AAGL 45th Global Congress, Orlando, FL, November 14-18, 2016

Annual Meeting, American Urological Association

"Use of an education tool to facilitate immediate and directed surgical skills feedback in urology," Lomboy J, Macey M, Sukhu T, Connolly A, Wallen E, Viprakasit, D. American Urological Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, May 6 – 10, 2016. (Oral poster)

Annual Meeting, Southeast Section of the American Urological Association

"Use of an education tool to facilitate immediate and directed surgical skills feedback in urology," Lomboy J, Macey M, Sukhu T, Connolly A, Wallen E, Viprakasit, D. Southeast Section of the American Urological Association Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, March 16 – 20, 2016. (Oral poster)

Annual CREOG/APGO Meeting, 2016

"Real-Time" Milestones and Surgical Skills Feedback: A Multi-center Trial of "myTIPreport." CREOG / APGO Exxcellence Award winner AND Second Place Award Winner, Oral Abstract Presentation. Connolly A, and the myTIPreport Implementation Team: Elizabeth Lutz MD, Beth Buys MD, Abby Litwiler MD, Anita Blanchard MD, Sylvia Botros MD, Sue Gerber MD, Kim Kenton MD, Cindy Amundsen MD, Alice Goepfert MD, Gena Dunivan MD, Nicole Donnellan, MD and Kristiina Parviainen, MD, Gabey Gosman MD, Karen Adams MD,Tom Gregory MD, Kim Gesci MD, Felicia Lane MD, Carol Major MD, and Robert Higgins MD, Annual Meeting of the Council on Resident Education In Obstetrics and Gynecology/Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics. New Orleans, LA March 2-5, 2016

Poster Presentations

Society for Gynecologic Surgeons, Annual Meeting, Tuscon, Arizona, March 31 – April 3, 2019

"ACGME Milestone Feedback and myTIPreport: Implementation and Construct Validity Assessment." Husk KE, Field C, and Connolly A.

Annual Meeting of the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology/Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, National Harbor, Maryland, March, 2018.

"Describing Surgical Skill Learning Curves in OBGYN Residency: A Process Using myTIPreport." Schuler K, Connolly A. CREOG / APGO Exxcellence Award Winner .

Society for Education in Anesthesia, Spring Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. April 27-30, 2017.

"Implementing a technology-based cognitive aid for feedback in accordance with ACGME milestone competencies in Anesthesia". Martinelli S, Chen F, Arora H, Zvara D, and Connolly A.

AAGL 45th Global Congress, Orlando, FL, November 14-18, 2016

"myTIPreport": Training for Independent Practice: A Tool for "Real-time" Formative and Summative Feedback on Milestones & Procedural Skills." Connolly A, Donnelan N, Lutz E, and De La Cruz J.

AAGL 45th Global Congress, Orlando, FL, November 14-18, 2016

"Real-Time Feedback – Trying Something New: What Works? What Gets in the Way?: Program Directors’ Perspectives on the myTIPreport Rollout Experience." Connolly A, Donnelan N, Lutz E, Buys B, Lane F, Gecsi K, , Adams K, Kenton K, Amundsen C, Gregory T, Botros S, Blanchard A, Dunivan G, Gosman G.

Annual CREOG/APGO Meeting, 2016

"Program Directors’ view of barriers and helpers to myTIPreport implementation, Connolly A, and the myTIPreport Implementation Team: Elizabeth Lutz MD, Beth Buys MD, Abby Litwiler MD, Anita Blanchard MD, Sylvia Botros MD, Sue Gerber MD, Kim Kenton MD, Cindy Amundsen MD, Alice Goepfert MD, Gena Dunivan MD, Nicole Donnellan, MD and Kristiina Parviainen, MD, Gabey Gosman MD, Karen Adams MD, Tom Gregory MD, Kim Gesci MD, Felicia Lane MD, Carol Major MD, and Robert Higgins MD, Annual Meeting of the Council on Resident Education In Obstetrics and Gynecology/Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics. New Orleans, LA March 2-5, 2016.

Annual Meeting of the American Urogynecologic Society

"myTIPreport: A Tool for "Real-time" Assessments of Milestones and Surgical Skills in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship." Connolly A, De La Cruz J, Sullivan S, Tinkham S, Crosse R, Lafrinere T, Rodriguez M. Annual Meeting of the American Urogynecologic Society, October 14-17, 2015, Seattle, Washington.

Annual CREOG/APGO Meeting, 2015

"myTIPreport: A Tool for "Real-time" Assessments of Milestones and Surgical Skills." Connolly A, De La Cruz J, Sullivan S, TInkham S, Crosse R, Lafrinere T, and Rodriguez M. Annual Meeting of the Council on Resident Education In Obstetrics and Gynecology/Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics. San Antonio, Texas, March 4-7, 2015