Billing and Subscription Overview

myTIPreport is a subscription service that is hosted in the cloud. Nothing needs to be installed or managed by your local IT Department. Subscriptions are 12 months long and are priced based on the number of learners in a program. To determine the price of a subscription, please see the price calculator on our home page.


Each residency, fellowship or medical school within an institution gets an account when it registers. Each account is isolated such that the management of teachers, learners, evaluation forms and other settings are completely controlled by the individual program. The account is also the administrative unit we use to attach the subscription plan and all invoice and payment information.

Free trials

All accounts start with a Free Trial. The trial grants licenses to an unlimited number of Learners and an unlimited number of Teachers. Free trials are fully-featured meaning that you have access to all of the power that myTIPreport offers during the free-trial period. If you choose to purchase a subscription, the account used for your free trial is the same one used for your paid subscription. Thus, any users who are given access will still have access and any evaluations submitted or changes made will remain after the upgrade.


We offer two types of subscription plans. The most common plan is for a single residency, fellowship or medical school. In this model, each program is billed annually and individually. If you have more than 3 residency or fellowship accounts from within the same department, we offer discounted pricing through our department plan. If you're interested in a department plan, please reach out to us at

Authorization to use the service and its features can be obtained by purchasing a subscription plan.

Next Steps

These articles walk-through the different tasks you may need to take while managing your subscription: