Pay an Invoice

After upgrading from a free trial, extending a paid subscription, or purchasing additional licenses an invoice will be created. Invoices can be viewed by doing the following:

  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click on Admin.
  3. Navigate to Billing and Invoices under Account.

The list of invoices is at the bottom of the view:

Click on any invoice in the list to view it. An invoice can be paid via Check or Credit Card.

Paying by Credit Card

  1. Locate the Payment Options portion of the invoice.
  2. Click the Pay Now button the in "Pay by Credit Card" box.
  3. Enter your Email and Credit Card information
  4. Click Pay

Once payment is completed the invoice switches will be marked as paid.

Paying by Check

  1. Send us an email letting us know you're paying by check. Click the I am sending payment by check link on the invoice or just compose a new mail to Please include the following:
    • Your institution name.
    • Your program specialty
    • The number of the invoice that you are paying.
  2. Print the invoice and mail a check to the address in the top-left corner of the invoice.

Once we receive notification we will note this in your account and credit it once the check has cleared.

IRS Form W-9

If your accounts payable department needs a copy of our W-9, you can download this from two different locations:

  1. On the Billing and Invoices view, click the Download W-9 button at the top of the view.
  2. On the invoice itself, there is a link to download the W-9 near the bottom.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at